GFR Full Form, What does GFR stand for?

The Full form of GFR

The full form of GFR is Glomerular Filtration Rate that is measured to testify how well the kidneys are filtering the blood. Specifically, it estimates the amount of blood flowing through Glomeruli every minute. Glomeruli are tiny sieve-like tufts of blood vessels at top of the nephrons in the kidney that filter waste from the blood. 

The doctor might recommend this test as part of scheduled health check-ups or if the individual shows signs of the kidney not functioning properly. The symptoms determining a kidney problem may include conditions, such as backache near the kidneys, foam, blood or brownish color of the urine, pain during passage of urine, and swelling of eyes, wrists, ankles, and abdomen. The doctor might also ask for this test to be performed if the individual suffers from lifestyle diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. GFR test is also taken in cases where members of the family have had kidney failures.

The blood sample to be tested in the lab is affected by various factors and might show complications inaccuracy if the individual is under the age of 18, pregnant, old or aged or elder, have kidney conditions, have high or very low muscle mass, has some serious illness, a vegetarian or obese. Individuals belonging to any of the above-stated categories should discuss with the doctor about how the results might be wrong.

The chart below shows the inferred decisions based on GFR,

Approx GFR (In ml) Condition of Kidney
90+ Normal
60-89 Mild loss
30-59 Moderate loss
15-29 Severe damage
<15 Kidney failure

Check out more abbreviation

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