COPD Full Form, What does COPD stand for?

The Full form of COPD

The full form of COPD is  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It is a progressive illness that makes it harder to breathe. The term COPD is used to describe lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema or refractory asthma. 

Prolonged exposures to lung irritants like smoking, chemical fumes, air pollution, or dust contribute to COPD. Also, the genetic condition known as AAT (Alpha-1 antitrypsin) deficiency influences the development of COPD.

In COPD, the following conditions rise which makes it hard to breathe; loss of elastic quality of the air sacs and airways, damage of the walls between the air sacs, thickening, and inflammation of the walls of the airways, clogging of the airways due to severe production of mucus. In all of the conditions, the gas exchange amount in the lungs gets hampered. 

During the primary stage of the disease, there can be no noticeable sign that confirms the disease. However, as time passes, it progresses into a worse condition and symptoms come out severe. The usual symptoms include mucus induced continuous cough, dyspnoea during physical activities, whistling or wheezing sounds when breathing and a constant tightness in the chest. COPD patients often experience respiratory infections on a regular basis. This disease is confirmed with a Spirometry test.

COPD develops slowly but severely which eventually makes it an evident cause of disability, restraining individuals from their routine activities. Currently, there is no cure for this but with careful diagnosis and treatment of the conditions, the patients can manage and have better breathing capabilities.

Check out more abbreviation

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