CHF Full Form, What does CHF stand for?

The Full form of CHF

CHF Full Form – The Full form of CHF is Congestive Heart Failure which suggests a persistent progressive state which affects the pumping strength of the heart muscles. It shows a degenerative condition where the heart doesn’t pump blood the way it should. Usually termed as “Heart Failure”, CHF is a stage by which there is the heavy back-up of fluids around the heart, causing its functions to be inefficient. Even though some conditions leading to heart failure are irreversible, treatments can slow the symptoms and help in living longer.

Heart failure conditions can be acute (sudden) or chronic (progressive). The symptoms to look out for include, shortness of breath, swelling in legs, ankles, and feet, irregular or rapid heartbeats, constant cough with slight blood-tinged phlegm or mucus, increased need to urinate, abnormal weight gain due to fluid retention, decreased alertness, persistent fatigue and weakness, lack of appetite and unreasonable chest pains if influenced by cardiac arrest.

Left-sided CHF is more common as compared to right-sided CHF. It occurs when the left ventricle fails to properly pump blood to the body, due to abnormal contraction or stiffening of left ventricular muscles. Right-sided CHF occurs when the right ventricle fails to pump blood to the lungs, resulting in fluid retention in the abdomen, lower extremities, and other vital organs. Both of them can occur at the same time, i.e. starting with the left side and gradually passing to the right side when left untreated.

CHF can particularly grow from health conditions that have a direct effect on the cardiovascular system on the body. Lifestyle diseases like hypertension, diabetes, obesity, thyroid, and severe allergic reactions also contribute to CHF.

Check out more abbreviation

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